19.01.2012 в 15:12
Пишет Морган Кэй:Ради любви
Сперла у PrimaVega:
Moriarty: “Once we’ve concluded our business here, it’s important you know I shall endeavor to find the most creative of endings for the doctor.”
—Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
Jim: “Okay. Let me give you a little extra incentive. Your friends will die if you don’t.”
Sherlock: “John?”[…]
Jim: “There’s no stopping them now. Unless my people see you jump.”
—Sherlock 2x03 - “The Reichenbach Fall”
hopelessfangirl ©
URL записиСперла у PrimaVega:
Moriarty: “Once we’ve concluded our business here, it’s important you know I shall endeavor to find the most creative of endings for the doctor.”
—Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
Jim: “Okay. Let me give you a little extra incentive. Your friends will die if you don’t.”
Sherlock: “John?”[…]
Jim: “There’s no stopping them now. Unless my people see you jump.”
—Sherlock 2x03 - “The Reichenbach Fall”
hopelessfangirl ©